
The audience for the book is those who would lead or be involved in programs of reform that are intended to provide greater security for people with land and property rights and help to establish transparent and efficient registration systems that provide that security, and also that facilitate real estate markets to operate fairly and efficiently.

The book provides guidance, key lessons learned and multiple examples of experiences around the world relating to projects that led to improving such systems. It can be used as a practical manual explaining the steps and the key considerations when implementing the program of reform. Many readers have mentioned that they learnt more from these practical examples and lessons learned than the normal text books and theoretical works that have been produced over the years. (Having said this, a comprehensive list of text books, key learning materials and links to organisations providing guidelines and manuals is provided as an Annex).

Information about the Authors can be found on the about us page and a free downloadable copy of the Book is provided on this page below. Readers are invited to provide their own examples and lessons learned from experience of implementation, which we will add to the Your Stories page once approved. The criteria regarding this is that the text should provide examples of actual experience that happened; that the story is told with a minimum of theory; and that the text is no longer than 1500 words in length.

FREE PDF Download – Real Estate Registration & Cadastre – A Practical Guide

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