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Gender Equality and Land Rights

Please find below a link to Gender Equality and land rights


Gender Support Document


Handbook on Inclusive Land registration and the Role of Social development Officers

The company DAI have managed several very successful Land registration Projects and recently produced a publication outlining the importance of the social side of the programs. John Leckie from DAI wrote: “We hope the handbook can be a valuable resource for professionals who are designing and implementing land programming. As a 'do-er' of land projects worldwide I personally hope it can be used as a reference guide for practitioners in the field wishing to consider practical approaches to inclusion in registration and land administration work. There is no one-size-fits-all-approach, and context is always key, but I believe there are tools, lessons, and ideas here which can help us design and deliver better, more equitable and inclusive work in land registration and administration worldwide.”


See Inclusive Land Registration and the Critical Role of Social Development Officers - a handbook for program design and impementation.